BJJ Self-Defense
Empower yourself. Build confidence. Rise to a new challenge. Maintain and support a healthy lifestyle both mentally and physically.
Join the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Self-Defense program at Lake Travis Jiu-Jitsu Club and achieve all of this and so much more!
Unfortunately, fighting isn’t only in a cage or on a mat. Sometimes that fight can happen in a dark parking lot, on a trail or in the home and sometimes it can happen in the blink of an eye and your response may be the difference between life and death.
The practice of martial arts not only hones our skills and techniques in self defense but focuses on one’s self-improvement and builds awareness as well as our ability to adapt in any given circumstance. It is both a great physical and mental outlet.
BJJ as a sport and a self-defense method differ in nature but share a similar goal; the ability to overcome any opponent using technique despite the size and strength of that opponent.
Come learn traditional BJJ at Lake Travis Jiu-Jitsu Club. This art will train you to employ striking, kicking (Kickboxing), joint manipulation, trapping, throws and grappling from a self-defense perspective.
The practice of self-defense is not only physical but also a situational and intellectual process that will benefit and enrich your life.
"My Jiu-Jitsu is an art of self-defense in which points, rules and time limits are unacceptable"
GM Helio Gracie
Craig Chavez